2009年3月17日 星期二






前一陣子看了改編自ABBA合唱團的「媽媽咪呀」。想起這團體還是我當年瘋狂沉迷的偶像呢!電影裡有一首很動聽的歌叫「OUR LAST SUMMER」(我們的最後夏天)。詞意無限美好,卻是我想送給世間所有受過化療的病患的一首歌。只有他們知道,什麼叫做過著水深火熱的日子。


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuaynnqZmxo&feature=related(our last summer)

12 則留言:

  1. 我完全相信你所說的



  2. 當然

  3. Dear Akae,

    This is the best part of your article. Why? Because you have described the agony, the trust, the fear, and the love of one tough cancer survivor’s behavior; I want to commend you for writing such an intricate description of Halu’s cancer treatment and I would also like to share my own experience of breast cancer. I hope as a loyal reader, you don’t mind me writing a longer post this time.

    When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, I was in shock! Like Halu, I didn’t have anyone escorting me to the doctor’s office. When he announced that news, I was beyond devastation. Why me? How can it be me? Why did I do to deserve this? I must not pray enough to Buddha!!! This is must be my punishment for my mistakes, how can this be?

    Like Halu, I thought about Jeffrey right away. What is he going to do without me? Mastectomy was scheduled right away, and I had to decide what to do quickly. The doctor needs to schedule a plastic surgeon if I choose to have reconstruction done on my breast. I contemplated on the choices I have because after all, I am a wife and even though my kids are grown up, I would need my breast to look pretty for my husband. (Especially my husband who is so Chinese), so I thought. Every night when I couldn’t sleep; I would stay up googling some pictures of breast cancer woman without breasts; hiding my fears of losing my breast, secretly hoping for the worst to happen to me. Like to die on the surgery table so that I wouldn’t have to face the image of not being a perfect woman to look at…...and Jeffrey would get the mal practice money from the procedure, he would be rich to care for Katie and Kevin ...….that was my plan.

    My husband over heard a conversation I had with my doctor discussing the reconstruction procedure. Each time I would try to hold my tears, I didn't want to cry infront of my love ones. First time in my life I was stumbling to a humongous problem that I couldn’t repair. I felt lost and confused. Jeffrey quickly turned to me and said “Wanda, you need to love yourself first and live your life. Please do not think that you need to please me just because I am your husband, you will always be a very beautiful woman.” And with that statement, I was able to pick up where I had left off, and proceed with my decision. No reconstruction, no implant, no water balloon to insert after my mastectomy. What a relief! We have been married for 28 years and counting…to have my other ½ always loving me so dearly…. Like Taket had said once when he visited us in the US some 35 years ago, he said a couple is not about love; as we grow older, it is more like a companionship, a partner in life. I still remember his voice ringing behind my ears….

    I didn’t have chemo or radiation for my cancer treatment. This cancer was so aggressive that the doctor had also scheduled a total hysterectomy 10 months after my mastectomy. I was on Tamoxifen for the past 5 years. Today, I couldn’t be happier in life. I am cancer free and I love life in general. I count on my blessings every day. I love to go travel with Jeffrey and I am going to be a grandma in less than 1 month..... life is good to me.

    It is all about the attitude in one’s life, courage to live and move forward. Treat cancer as a hurdle in life, and usually with the advanced medicine today everything is curable. I do breast cancer walks, I do speeches on self examination of woman’s breast, and I crochet and make pink ribbons so that I can help other woman to fight with this disease. 2007 in October (breast cancer month) we were visiting Taipei 101, guess what I saw? I saw a young actress/singer promoting “Estee Larder Pink Ribbons” for women with breast cancer to raise money for an organization in Taiwan. At that moment, I had tears in my eyes, I had to walk away………..but my heart was so warm…..A Taiwanese young woman is doing a good deed.

    To all reader, please keep in mind, even though any cancer treatment can be cruel and painful, the drive to live keeps cancer survivors going and going and going……..


  4. You know why 大ㄟAkae's blog is so charming ?

    It's because not only Akae's writing is compelling , the comments which responded to this blog are also gripping ~

    Wanda , did you come from 精中, too ?

  5. To 河東大哥

    TO 河東's 同學 林大姐頭

  6. 同您一樣已進昇為阿姨級人物.您們的進度都好快喔
    Maybe not we're too fast( you ask Wanda ), maybe it's you are too slow ~
    賴著不長大 , 是罷 ~
    Joking , don't keep in mind.

  7. Aunty Lin,

    You must forgive my cousin Akae, he is trying to say that we are both very young grandmas....he is probably quite jealous that he has a lot to catch up with us.

    Although I hope in his heart he was trying to say that we are still very young and beautiful, full of life. Even though he is younger than us, he still shows high respect for us. I think he is a good guy, what do you think?


  8. Teacher Wang is the one who is liked by so many pupils, 好竹出好筍 so what does Wanda think Akae is ?

    I've been in the westerns' circle ( American and Canadian) , I probably know what you meant and why you said something like " must forgive my cousin Akae "
    But it's really nothing to bother to forgive or to be forgiven , I think.

    Concept of Chinese ( Taiwanese ) culture and western culture towards addressing people differs a little bit. Being called uncle or auntie sometimes do not bother people too much ( 跟著孩子稱呼嘛 )
    Meanwhile, Teacher Wang is ㄚ沙力 漢子個性的, so as Akae , I think.

    Akae once asked me if I was one of his Dad's 乾女兒 ,I told him Teacher Wang is not old enough to be my father and I am too old to be his daughter !
    Wanda, you must be good at both Espanio and English. Good for you.

  9. correction:
    Westerners' circle

  10. 認同!阿丹我完全認同你所謂的正向能量,


  11. 阿鎧:









  12. 阿紅,

    It is so hard to accept the diagnose of any type of cancer. As a survivor I can relate to your mother's reaction. "knowledge is power", Before my surgery, my best friend sent me 8 books to read up, and I read them. To boost myself quickly to understand my disease.

    As her child, you can be supportive in your own ways. Don't overwhelm her with too much information; but by seeing her, keep in touch with her and talk to her can be a great comfort for her. Simply be there for her. A little phone call, get together is mostly what a parent loves to hear from their child.

    You cannot take away her pain, but you can encourage her to stay healthy and fight the cancer away. Often, we as cancer survivors do not ask for sympathy, we only ask for staying in touch. You know what? I remember when I was in the hosptial, there was a friend of mine that didn't know how to comfort me. Instead, she sent me a card every day for seven days. That was so thoughtful of her.

    Keep telling your mother how much you care for her.

