2009年9月9日 星期三


凱凱是我的乾兒子 跟我同屬馬 處女座 老姐便取他跟我同名 是個小甜心 非常可愛
會用很標準的國語背唐詩 但他說他完全不知道那是啥意思
這小鬼很愛玩電動 也很喜歡跟我玩一二三木頭人

(將滑鼠在信件中點兩下 可放大來看)

因為開這個部落格 將為我們王家第十代的堂兄姐弟們帶來一場跨世紀的"喜福會"
連絡散居海外各地的人 最後齊聚台北與彰化兩地
一同出遊訪親 探看金山的阿媽 與彰化優妻阿姑的醬油工廠
這個大陣仗 藉時有興趣的讀者

Dear All cousins,

Let me start off by saying that Jeffrey and I had a nice dinner with Ting last night at my house, and Ting and I were mesmerizing our childhood in Taiwan....we talked about each cousins including Eawii.....all great memories..Jeffrey suggested the cousins to have an evening together....Ting thought it was a great idea..thus this is what we like to propose again.....

Ting, the 2 days tour sounds great. I think it would be very relaxing and a wonderful bonding time for all of us. You are making it happen ........

Steven, you are so good to me. I like the advice you have given me on the phone and the website to book tickets to Shenzhen. It does make more sense than trying to go with other options.......you are always to thoughtful and sincere to listen to my needs......which I happen to have a lot of needs....seriously, right now I am so excited with this great event, can't wait until 06/10. I will follow with your advice.

David......hi again. I love to hear your voice whenever I call, you would say Jie Jie.... I know it is hard to accommodate your older cousins' request sometimes (they are just too demanding), but we want to include you. Even though you are the youngest in our group, I still miss your sweet smiles (with dimples on both sides)......

Alan- I think we are all related all right. I think there is a lot of different personalities in all of us, and our Ah-Ma knew that well. I think the "Wang's" have very tight feelings, great emotions in our heart (too nice to others at times). Somehow Ah-Ma is up there rooting for each one of us to join this reunion. She would be in heaven to see us along with our parents (maybe), and I think with this cousins' reunion proposal, Ah-Ma's children would be very proud of us.......

Tina....Ting and I talked about you last night. Unlike your other (sister/cousins), you were always so quiet and sweet. You were always dressed in such cute dresses and beautiful shoes and pony tails, always remind me of a Barbie doll........but you would listen to your older cousin in full attention...like listening to our stories with your big eyes.....I will always remember that.

Eddie, you are so tall. I think you, Walter and Steven are the tallest in our family. I was amazed with how good you are as a father to Charleen...so caring.....when I saw you in 2007, I was very touched, remember you back in Taiwan years, you would also follow Alan and Alex too.

Eawii, we are also including you.....you are the coolest with your dance moves.....often you speak Taiwanese with an accent. You make me laugh and proud too.....can't wait to see if you can come too.

Alex, you are the funnest in our group. You are so funny with stories. Now, I remembered when you were younger with some temper and stubbornness, especially in fornt of our Ah-Gong; now you are so mellow and FUNNY. Keep up with the funny stories...

Akae, I want to thank you for hooking this up for all of us by posting your blog. Ting and I live in US, we couldn't have dremed to have such great feed back from all of the cousins. You have done a great job in bringing us back to Taiwan, and you have such good memories in all. It is scary, but you remind me of Ah-Ma....she has a very good memory too.

Again, this is going to be such a great event for all. I think it is an opportunity of a life time. to get together, next time around might be a long long while.......let's hang on to this opportunity and explore!!!!!

Love always,


8 則留言:

  1. Dear Uncle Take & Aunt Halu,

    It is so true with what Aunt Eintay has written about Ting. I know Eintay Ah-Go has played a big role in Ting’s healing……she was always very supportive…. Your precious daughter has become her own person and most of all, she has self worth. Her optimism in life is at the highest and she is able to play a great motherly role for the three children with a positive attitude. Most importantly she is expressing her beautiful personality verses with holding so much anger inside of her….. She has a life now, and she is doing great. You will see the big difference next year when the cousins all meet up in Taiwan.

    The cousins are very excited about this cousin/family reunion; we are hoping the other Aunts and Uncles can accompany us to this special event. Do you think others will come too?

    Akae is so right about the 10th generation gathering, and even though it may sound so far away…. already I am so touched with each cousin’s reply…feed back and trying to make this work. The cousins that once played together in Taiwan (so many years ago) can count on this special quality time to get to know each other better. Nothing in life beats this kind of connection. Yes, it will be an opportunity of a life time; perhaps we can be a crazy group for once….. The WANG family- we have such wonderful individuals that I am beginning to discover each and every individual and I want to get to know everyone even more….can’t wait until next June …..



  2. 我首先要感谢婴钗姑姑百忙之中抽空写那封信。她是真的很忙。我小时就对她有心连心的感觉,中间虽有二十年间相隔倆地,可是那种感觉一直都在。
    在此,我还要特别感谢Wanda 姐姐这一年卖了她的命,扛了她可以不需承担的责任与风险,为我的下半生幸福打拼,她的每天关照与话语是我最大的精神肩膀。没有她的带领,我还想认自己睡到五十五岁才醒。


  3. 老姐
    我們去溜滑梯 那個已過逝的房東小孩 蘇景昭
    欺負我叫我趴著溜滑梯 結果他在底下放個大石頭
    我早忘記 但是是你一直都記得很清楚的事

    你的軔性 你的勇敢 一直是我覺得你最美麗的魅力
    我覺得三個小孩會開始知道啥是好的習慣 啥是壞的習慣
    如何展現自己魅力 我相信你都會教給他們


  4. Dear 櫻釵阿姑 與Wanda jeje
    因為有您們在 老姐得以有精神支助
    無論是她初到美國 嫁人 生小孩 或走出這段傷痛

  5. Dear Akae,

    It is so funny how you mentioned what happened to your neighbor that Ting had to stand up for you back years ago. I have something to share too…......

    When we were living in Taipei, I was only 8 or 9 years old. We (me, Alan and the son from third grand uncle-from Ah-Gong’s side), we used to go up to the roof top and ride our tricycle. (There was only 1); we would all take turns and Alan and I would stick together like sister and brother… He (the Uncle) used to push Alan from the tricycle when he was riding, and I (the brave one) yelled at him and pushed him down while he was riding the tricycle. He was so mean to us….do you remember that Alan? Of course I got pushed down too. I was more upset with him (being an Uncle and all) pushed Alan from riding verses with pushing me down. Alan was younger than me and he was always nice, quiet and timid, and I stood up for both of us…..I still have the scar on my knees to prove it. I guess we call him Uncle (Tien-Kuong?), I wonder where he is now……..

    I have a lot of great childhood memories with Alan; he is like my bro…..we were always going to places together…before I left Taiwan, I even told him about taking care of Ah-Ma for me………now he is residing in the Philippines, and I am in the US.



  6. (Alan寫給wanda的信 轉寄到我信箱裡來 未經Alan大哥同意將此信貼出,也是給在佛洲的大伯看看,他當年投入馬尼拉工廠後的驕傲)

    Dear Sister,

    剛讀完你的blog留言. 謝謝你. 心中有許多感觸, 在這麼多年以後, 我仍然記得在你雙連的家, 晚上玩大富翁, 玩到一半, 還要起身去倒垃圾的畫面. 我不知道為什麼會牢牢記得這個畫面, 大概是第一次單獨sleep over, 有很深很深的印象, 仍記得你家的後面是鐵路, 有火車會經過. 在我心中, 我覺得自己仍停留在高中生的階段, 我還有青春的日子要追求. 而實際上, 現在的我, 必需戴著老花眼鏡在電腦前寫信. 一種莫名的哀愁上了心頭. 我己經有些年紀了.
    最近這幾年, 在這個工廠投下不少時間, 進行整理, 改造, 但仍有做不完的事, 好像永遠做不完. 不過, 這幾年下來, 也可以跟大伯交待了, 我們有將APC這個客戶照顧好, 也陸續增加許多自動化設備, 最近, 我們又要增加"自動機械手臂"來進行焊接, welding的工作. 每每看到電影裡的機械手臂, 自動地工作, 自己曾在想, 我們何時能有這樣的東西, 終於, 我們也追上潮流, 再往上提昇. 相信大伯再看到這個工廠, 會非常高興, 也會非常自豪, 他為這個工廠建立一個非常重要的里程碑, mile stone. 沒有他當年的努力, 今天工廠不會成長到這個樣子. 我覺得在當今菲律賓的金屬沖壓產業裡, 我們應該可以排上前十名的公司. (可能是菲律賓太落後了).

    最近, 我們因為通車上班及小孩上課太遠的原因, 從巿中心, 搬到接近工廠及學校的地方. 原本住大樓, 現在住在house裡. 這是我們全家第一次住house, 還在體驗住house的生活. 小孩覺得很有趣, 又有同學住附近, 可以隨時去同學家拜訪. 我們才剛住進來一個月, 還有很多事情在摸索. 再者, 生意上面, 又增加了鐵門事業, 和電梯事業正在發展, (我一直在想新事業的發展機會),所以一時之間, 家庭與工作都很忙. 相信過一陣子就會回復正常.


  7. Dear Wanda表姐,Tina,阿鎧

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